Due to the age and unsustainable condition of existing equipment within the building on site a new LV distribution needed to be installed. The new switchroom would be situated outside of the building to enable the future decommissioning and demolition of the building with minimal disruption.
Phase 1 of the project had been earlier installed by PPS and involved running in the new supply cables for the new switchroom and installing a LV pillar inside the building to temporary feed existing equipment until the second phase was completed.
Phase 2 general involved; a new switchroom install, new bus bar system installed, new DB boards and tap off points installed, new cabling installed to new and existing equipment, new containment and earthing system installed and modifications to existing plant to bring up to standard.
During the installation of phase 2 it was also apparent that it would be ben-eficial for PPS to commission the installation and so various PPS personnel were trained to carry out new roles as nominated personnel and one PPS supervisor was trained up to carry out AP duties on SL’s behalf.
Although a full design was submitted and accepted, the project still brought various challenges in the installation phase. PPS used their historical knowledge of working in these types of buildings to aid in design changes and highlighting options to save time and money by using different methods and installation techniques to progress the project.